B2.4 online group classes (max. 6 students)

20 hours over 10 weeks

  • ·        Humour, expressions and sayings, commonly used slang and suffixes and prefixes will be taught throughout the entire course.

    Topics & Vocabulary :

    • Learning French: an obstacle course
    • The beauty of the passé simple
    • Interculturality of gestures and mimics
    • Boredom versus games
    • French humour
    • Writing as we speak and speaking as we write
    • Boredom, apathy
    • Different levels of French
    • Humour and clichés
    • Familiar expressions

    Grammar :

    • Le passé simple
    • Emphasis
    • Indefinite pronouns
    • Express a goal
    • Logical connectors
    • Express a condition

    Cultural Content:

    • The Montreux festival
    • Satire in the press
    • Political humour

    Skills Work:

    • Prepare an essay
    • Write a summary report
    • Argumentation
    • Create a satirical journal and a book of jokes
    • Create a dictionary of expressions and colloquialisms
    • Create an educational resource
    • Present a game
£220.00 / 1 pcs