20 hours over 10 weeks
Arabic Upper
Intermediate Higher 1:
Book and material:
“Al-Arabiyyah bayna yadayk”
(Arabic at your hands), book 2, part 2 (unit 13-14)
Topics and
the Muslim world
geographic and demographic advantages of the Muslim world
famous Islamic organisations
a look at Saudi Arabia and Nigeria
history of Islam
safety and security
war and peace
reasons and motivations of crime
Grammar and
review: comparative and superlative
the accusative case of temporal and local adverbs
review: sound and weak verbs
the five verbs
distinctive nouns after numerals 11 to 90, 100, 1000
the vocative
the five nouns
the adjective vs. the modal adverb “ḥāl”
recognising synonyms and opposites
building complex sentences
understanding and analysing long texts
writing short essays
finding the write definition
expressing feelings and opinions
comparing things