B2.2 online group classes (max. 6 students)

20 hours over 10 weeks

  • ·        Humour, expressions and sayings, commonly used slang and suffixes and prefixes will be taught throughout the entire course.

    Topics & Vocabulary :

    ·         Beauty standards in the media

    ·         The human body and its limits

    ·         Technology

    ·         More prefixes

    ·         Colloquial expressions using body parts

    ·         Transidentity in the arts

    ·         Athletes’ bodies/ sports

    ·         Marriage in francophonie

    ·         Love like in the movies

    ·         Friendship, bromance

    ·         The language of love

    Grammar :

    ·         The passive form with être, pronominal verbs and “se faire” or “se laisser”

    ·         Le future antérieur

    ·         The different pasts

    ·         Double pronouns (COD, COI, en, y)

    ·         Reported speech in the past tense

    Cultural Content:

    ·         Magazines

    ·         Interview: Bilal Hassani

    ·         Beauty and identity

    ·         Film: le grand bain

    ·         Measuring friendship

    Skills Work:

    ·         Write an introduction and a conclusion

    ·         Debate

    ·         Describe a person

    ·         Write an editorial for a magazine

    ·         Write a synopsis

    ·         Talk about love, life, and the arts


£220.00 / 1 pcs