In person 1 to 1 classes to come soon! Register your interest!

Topics & Vocabulary:

• How old are you?

• Describing family members, marital status

• Jobs

• Describing your flat/house/neighbourhood

• Telling the time

• Sports activities

• Saying “I like”, “I dislike”

• Seasons of the year, months of the year


• Further practice of all cases singular and plural of nouns

• Further practice of present tense of regular and irregular verbs

• Cases of adjectives - introduction - emphasis on the locative of feminine nouns

• Possessive adjectives - Markov, Marijin

• Numbers 20-99

• Demonstrative pronouns - ovaj, taj, onaj

• Word order - introduction to enclitics

• Reflexive verbs

Cultural content:

• Family life, marriage

• Home and furnishings

• Sports and leisure

• Ex-Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia - politics and history

Skills work:

• Lots of speaking/active practice

• Translation and simple essay writing

£0.00 / 1 pcs